Johanna Reid Rossi

HOListic therapist i spiritual guide i bach flower remedies

Cultivating Inner Harmony

I’m an expert guide in the journey to self and holistic healer, and I specialise in soul led living and the relationship between emotions and self fulfillment.

My journey of self recovery began over 15 years ago, after a series of traumatic events, and as my own path meandered and led me to where I needed to be, I gathered a wealth of experience and knowledge that informs what I embody and the work I do today.

As well as being a wife and mother to two wonderful children and a vizsla, like most old souls there is more to meet than meets the eye, I am by nature creative and spent half my life studying and creating art. My life then took me to places I needed to go, and I qualified as a holistic health coach back in 2015, along the way I studied many healing modalities, and chose to learn more deeply about herbalism and Bach Flower Remedies, I have certifications in both. I’m still learning, and still experiencing life’s ebbs and flows.

In a world that promotes and pushes us to remain in a state of overwhelm and stress, it’s my belief that you can recover your natural pace, that your purpose is innate, and that you can serve your purpose by serving your needs; and I’m here to help you recover your enthusiasm for life.

For years I didn’t trust nor understand the worth of who I am, I lived up to everyone else’s expectations and felt weighed down by responsibility, and as a result I feel into disease, I was unable to be present, nor feel purposeful and my enthusiasm for life dwindled.

In my distrust and feeling useless, I rushed towards myself and ended up repeatedly burning myself out because I was not able to pace myself.

That was until I took responsibility and started the work of self acknowledgment, acceptance, awareness, compassion and care.

My journey has been hard, lonely, I often struggled and at times I felt like giving up. 

It took me taking ‘the long road’ to learn that an unbalanced body makes unbalanced decisions, learning to care for ourselves, mind, body and soul, paves the way back to our ease, our truth.

Learning to self heal has had a profoundly positive impact on my life.

And now I’m here to help and share what I learnt with you.

I help you to:

  • Understand and take responsibility for how and when you unconsciously choose to deny yourself

  • Meet yourself where you are, and acknowledge who you truly are, so that you can recover your sense of self worth

  • Have awareness to know when you are out of balance and how to recover your presence

  • Have enough compassion to give yourself what you truly need to live a more purposeful, soul led life

Here’s what I want you to know:

At some point a seed was planted within you that led you to believe it is not OK to trust who you truly are. It is time to weed out that plant and know the worth of the impact your presence makes.