when you are tired of feeling like you’ll never get it right.
Are you dreaming of a life in which you feel more at ease and present? One in which you feel sure that the decisions you are making at the ‘right’ ones. Have you had enough of the questioning, feeling like you are stuck in limbo, never going to ‘get there’ and frustrated that what ever you seem to do, it is never right, feel like you will never find your way?
Feeling stuck and lost are inevitable stages of the journey back to ourselves, however we have been made to believe that these emotions should make us feel disempowered and incapable. Yes, this is one of the hardest stages in the cycle of self recovery, but…
it is my belief that with awareness and acceptance, it can in fact be one of the most empowering stages giving us the opportunity to orientate ourselves in a more aligned way towards the truth of who we are.
Feelings of confusion, frustration, panic, fear and doubt are all a sign that it is time to pause and pivot - Don’t confuse lack of clarity for not being enough and not knowing.
To get to where you want to go, you have to meet yourself where you are, so that you can be guided to where you want to be.
We all have different reasons for why we follow people online, go onto sign up to their newsletters, read their blogs, watch their you tube videos, show up for the workshops, but in the end, we are all searching for something.
We tap away into google searching for answers, solutions and how tos - the ‘right’ way of doing something.
But I want to know why are you here - what did you search for that guided you here to this post today.
What are you trying to get right, what are you seeking the answers to? Most of all I want to know :
Who is it that you are trying to be?
And I want you to see beyond - the author, the artist, the photographer, the poet, beyond the label (because my dear, you are so capable and in your lifetime there will be so many versions of you and ways that you could express your truth), to the place where you simply are and let yourself be - the most, whole, nourished version of you.
I want you to consider what it is like to go beyond the trying, striving, pushing, pressure and seeking - to yonder, to the woman at ease, the one who trusts and knows her way, who doesn't doubt and question her worth, who feels clear, confident and above all takes her time and is no longer exhausted from seeking the truth of who she is.
She already knows.
I know exactly what it feels like to believe that you are ‘never going to get there’, no matter what you do, you'll never be able to close that gap between you and her and that if you take a moment you'll just fall behind - whatever you do it won't be enough.
After over 13 years of my own journey back to me, I've learnt a lot about how to close that gap, recovering a more natural pace and cyclically bringing myself back to ease, back towards the direction of my truest self.
For years I didn’t trust myself and as a result I held myself back from being the strong and capable woman I have always been.
That was until I took responsibility and started the work of self acceptance, awareness, compassion and care.
It took me taking ‘the long road’ to learn that an unbalanced body makes unbalanced decisions, learning to care for ourselves, mind, body and soul, paves the way back to our ease, our self.
I’ve learnt that true self care is:
Taking responsibility for when you abandon yourself
Having acceptance for the situation you are in
Having awareness to know when you are out of balance
Having enough compassion to give yourself what you need
I’ve learnt the importance of knowing how to prioritise your energy and learning what is non negotiable to keep yourself feeling balanced.
How to connect to my truth and use spiritual practices that help inform my next best steps, and have self trust to be at peace with my own natural rhythm and pace.
Guided meditation has been a practice that has helped me time and time again through indecision, feeling stuck, in times when I have got totally lost and forgotten that I already have everything that I need - and that happens because just like in the natural world, not every season is one of fair weather.
I know just how determined you are and I know that you will never give up.
So, I've created a free guided mediation and journal, to help you in closing the gap between the woman you are now and the woman you are becoming.
already her, a guided meditation
Let me guide you away from the doubting, overwhelm and inner turmoil of feeling that you will never ‘get it right’ towards your ease and presence.
Get unstuck, gain clarity, nurture confidence, self worth, trust and receive guidance to make decisions that will help carry you in the direction of your most nourished self.
JUST FILL IN YOUR INFO BELOW to receive ‘Already her A guided meditation and journal’
Dear Rising one,
I believe that you are already enough, that our purpose is innate, and that we serve our purpose by serving our needs.
The culmination of our unique needs is who we are.
In abandoning our needs we abandon who we are.
When we serve our needs we recover who we are.
This meditation will take you on a journey to meet your most nourished self, so that you can understand what it is that you truly need to recover your ease and truest presence - You’ll know.
Once you have done the meditation I would love to hear more about the woman you are becoming and what you need to become her, so I can support you as you take your journey Back To You.