Why Finding Your Purpose Has More To Do With Creativity Than You Think

You’ve been taught that finding your purpose is all about seeking that ‘one thing’ - that you love, feel deeply passionate about, and will identify with forever. 

Finding our purpose in life has become almost become like a burden to carry, that pressures us to morph, shrink and contour ourselves into living centered around one soul purpose.

That is not how to live a purposeful, soul driven life.

It’s another 'should' that’s been created by a system who likes to ‘keep order’ by labelling. Pick something and stick at it, it makes it 'easier' for us to understand.

But it’s in being made to believe that we can only feel purposeful by sticking to doing one thing, that makes us drift further from our true selves.

In not following what makes us feel purposeful and allowing that to evolve as we do, we can become further detached from the truth of who we really are. 

Finding your purpose has more to do with creativity than you think - What is my purpose? Purpose driven life, how to find your purpose, How to find your passion, how to find meaning in life - Johanna Rossi

When you start to feel lost and feel a lacking of purpose, you will start questioning your choices and believing you must have got your one purpose wrong. And the frustrating cycle of trying to find your one purpose in life starts all over again. 

Here’s the truth, purpose is not a 'pick one thing and stick at it' scenario. Instead it is about finding your way back to you.

Serving your purpose is NOT about what you do, it is about the person you are when you are doing it, feeling creatively fulfilled, and above all emotionally balanced and at ease.

I believe that creativity and feeling purposeful are much the same thing. Much like when people say follow your 'flow', what they are really saying is follow your need to create, follow that pull to explore, play and be curious.

This is where your purpose lies. 

Finding our purpose is about allowing space to be and to go further inward towards our most authentic self. Allowing for change, giving ourselves permission to evolve and above all for self acceptance and compassion. 

Here’s the truth, purpose is not a 'pick one thing and stick at it' scenario. Instead it is about finding your way back to you. - Johanna Rossi

Here are 3 starting points to help you reconnect with your truest self - without the pressure of finding your one purpose in life 

1: Get clarity how you want to feel

Our creations are rooted in the decisions we take which in turn are based on how we feel at the time. Your emotions are essentially behind your creative power. 

If you want to create with purpose, on purpose and end up feeling purposeful - spend time on working out how you want to feel and use that as the power behind the creative decisions you make.

Take a few minutes to journal out a short paragraph describing how you want to FEEL - this will be your guiding light towards feeling more like your true self. 

To help you with this step I’ve created my FREE journaling guide which covers this journaling prompt and many more that will help you get closer to your truest self - Download my Raise Your Woman On Purpose journaling guide below.

2: Find your purpose for TODAY

I believe that finding our purpose is not our ultimate goal. Your purpose is not to do one thing for all eternity, your purpose is to continuously align yourself in the direction of, so that you can navigate life and evolve with more ease, using the power in all versions of yourself, not just one version.

Ask yourself day in day out: What do I need today to make myself feel most like me?

What is it that you need to be, do and feel TODAY that will help you feel like your truest self? Make space for that and notice how you feel when you allow it in. That’s living in your purpose - living your truth. 

 3:  Pay attention to how you FEEL

If you’re having doubts about your purpose and getting stuck on the ‘how’ part, start noticing how you feel when you do whatever it is you feel you need to do to be most yourself today. 

Your purpose will bring you comfort, nourishment and above all relief, not leave you feeling strung out and stressed. 

Notice how allowing yourself to ‘find your purpose’ each day - rather than finding one thing that you must stick to forevermore makes you feel.

Make a mental note of what allows you to access those feelings and keep making space for those activities in your days.

If you take one thing away from this post, let it be this…

If you’re wrapping yourself in knots tying to find your purpose, you need to release the weight and expectation you’re putting on yourself to find one thing that will be your purpose for the rest of your life.

You are a creative being.

Rather than finding one thing to focus on for the rest of your life, living a purposeful, soul driven life is all about reconnecting with your creativity and allowing yourself to evolve and navigate Back To You with more ease and presence.


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