How to start cultivating a life you can feel safe to be you in
& truly make a difference to how you feel about yourself.
It can sometimes feel like, no matter what energy we put into life, nothing changes, and we still feel the same, it can feel like we are trapped and can't fully express ourselves and our enthusiasm slowly, but surely flickers out.
Let’s get to it :
I work with women from all different back grounds, levels of education, countries and different warps of life. But they all have something in common, just like you, they don’t feel safe enough to be themselves, to express themselves fully and freely.
One thing I need you to know is that at some point a seed was planted within you that led you to believe it is not OK to trust yourself. I’m here to help you weed out that plant and to help you start believing that you can bloom into the most truest version of you.
Today I want to tell you more about how you can start to cultivate a life you feel more safe to be all of you in.
One that you can express yourself fully and freely withIn & navigate with more ease.
There’s a lot that can happen in a period of 30 days, some things will even be life changing (for the better or worse)…
And yet, even in all the change, it can sometimes feel like nothing has changed at all, because you still feel the same, it can feel like you are trapped, can't fully express yourself, and your enthusiasm slowly but surely flickers out.
Your conflicted because, there is so much that you want to do, yet there is always so much to do, then you don't trust what you are doing, that in the end you often don't do anything, or you feel like you are running around like a headless chicken all day, trying to do ALL the things and either way by the time your head hits the pillow you feel like nothing you have done has really made a difference.
Because you don't feel any different
Because life just still feels the same
Even though so much energy is going out and you seem to be ticking all the ‘right’ boxes, it's still - different day, same shit, same you.
You may even be getting to the point where you are no longer even seeing the point anymore - maybe you are wrong and the person you dream of being, is supposed to stay that, just a dream
Maybe in all the rushing around, you can't even remember where you were trying to get to in the first place, you just feel frustrated that you are not there yet.
What is suffering in the process? Where are you feeling the imbalance? In your health, your relationships…
Have you got to the stage where deep down you know you need to slow down, take a moment, pause and check in with yourself, but it doesn't feel safe enough to stop.
It doesn't feel safe enough to stop and be you.
In all this adversity you are facing, is the mantra Just. Keep. Swimming. on replay in your head?
Today I want to ask you what if you did decide to press pause, and spend 60 minutes of this month with yourself, so you can dedicate the following 30 days to taking responsibility for what IS in your control and to truly making a difference?
The difference of either ending the day feeling like nothing has changed, nor will, or ending the day feeling hopeful and at ease, knowing the action you are taking is truthful and that the world feels like a safer place to be in.
For someone who has been on the journey towards cultivating a life I feel more safe to be me in for 13+ years, and who has struggled year in year out to pace and trust herself, I can write to you with total conviction that pausing to be with yourself, taking a moment to truly dedicate to yourself, to change your perspective, to truly look at yourself and what you truly need, IS the starting point to bridging the gap between not seeing the point and feeling the hope.
There is no perfect way Back To You, there is only your way, and to see the way, you have to pause every now and then to be with yourself and understand when and where you may be abandoning yourself in all the overwhelm.
This post is an invitation to press Pause with me.
Pause the doing
Pause the doubt
Pause the giving yourself away
Pause the all the should and could dos and understand where it is truly worth putting your precious energy
If you would like to press Pause.
Every month I host a small virtual 60 minute gathering of big hearted, soulful women, like you, to retreat and press Pause on what is keeping you buried and stopping you from making the breakthrough you are yearning for. It is a space of acceptance, community, support, nourishment and new perspective.
Here's what Vanessa said:
“I feel genuinely held, accepted and valued. I look forward to them as an opportunity to pause wherever I am in life, center myself and realign with what is important.”
This is always an intimate group (just 10 spaces) where you'll get the chance to step away from all the doing and make space to be.
If you feel that this is what you know you need to do for yourself, so you can start to make a real difference.
Will I see you there this month?
Ps. If you are ready to truly start caring for your truest self, I turned my 12 week journey Back To You into a self paced course, for you to start when the time is right, because what we all forget is that timing is divine, and you will know when you are being called. But you are not alone on this journey, you will also get my 1:1 support all the way through. Click here to find out more.
Let’s Recap
At some point a seed was planted within you that led you to believe it is not OK to trust yourself - you can do the work to weed that plant out
In all the rushing around we can often forget where we were trying to get to in the first place
To become we all need a place where we can feel acceptance, empathy and compassion, learn to provide this environment for yourself
Taking a moment to truly dedicate to yourself, to change your perspective, to truly look at yourself and what you truly need, IS the one thing that bridges the gap between not seeing the point and feeling the hope.
Join the next ‘Pause’ a small virtual 60 minute gathering of big hearted, soulful women, like you, a space of community, support, nourishment and new perspective.
ABOUT the blogger
Hi! I’m Johanna,
Have you had enough of not feeling free enough to express yourself fully? It’s time to weed out that plant that has taught you it’s not OK to trust yourself and start to grow with more ease. I help big hearted soulful women to tend to themselves, so they can step into their full presence at their own natural pace.
BINGE older posts
Hi! I’m Johanna,
Holistic healer, writer and multi-passionate creative. Have you had enough of not feeling free enough to express yourself fully? You are in the right place! I help big hearted soulful women, like you, cultivate a life you feel safe to be you in.
Start believing in yourself again.